Manifesto for the Future
Society should be organized to honor the inherent value of all life and create a better future. The economy should be organized to work for all and not just a select few. Organizing practices should protect human dignity and promote flourishing.
IHMA Manifesto – System Elements are Connected
IHMA Manifesto Planetary health is fundamental
Planetary health is fundamental for protecting the wellbeing of all. Planetary health from an IHMA perspective puts dignity and wellbeing in relation to our natural systems we are embedded in and considers sustainable and meaningful livelihoods in which people can thrive. This includes global perspectives but also relates to local communities and neighbourhoods.
IHMA Manifesto – Profit is put in service to the common good
Businesses must balance profits WITH human welfare. One doesn’t come at the expense of the other, rather, they are intimately connected with each other as well as to global environmental health. Instead of judging “good” solely based on profits, “good” should be judged by how businesses impact society.
Dialoghi di Economia Civile
Dialoghi di Economia Civile ai tempi del Covid-19 è il ciclo di webinar organizzato dalla SEC Scuola di Economia Civile, in collaborazione con la nuova Scuola Cooperativa di Federcasse.
Dopo l’evento lancio “Tra vecchie e nuove regole per una nuova grammatica sociale” di sabato 18 aprile con Cristina Bicchieri, University of Pennsylvania e Luigino Bruni, Università LUMSA la serie intende trattare tutti i temi della responsabilità civile, dal lavoro alle istituzioni, dalla Read more [...]