Welcome to IHMA’s Humanistic Management PhD Network. We support PhD students with mentoring, networking, and research opportunities. We also offer possibilities to connect researchers for publication work, and data gathering sites in companies and organizations linked to IHMA. This international program is designed to connect doctoral students around the world who do work related to humanistic management and all its components.
IHMA PhD Network Program Series (Sponsored by the Albert P. Viragh Institute for Ethics in Business at Duquesne University)
PhD Student Webinars
Each month, we host doctoral students from around the world to present their work related to humanistic management for friendly feedback and comments from other PhD students and faculty members. In our monthly gatherings the Humanistic Management Ph.D. Network is featuring the work of selected PhD students in the field to:
1) highlight their research topic
2) ask specific questions regarding their work for feedback
3) share and discuss concerns of members of the group via Zoom
Professional Development
Please join us for our new series on Professional Development. This program is designed to bring doctoral students from around the world together to discuss how to manage their program and future careers. Our inaugural event took place in March 2022 as Dr. Millie Myers from Carnegie Mellon University discussed effective job talks. We invite IHMA members to suggest topics for future Professional Development workshops.
Reading Group
Our Reading Group invites junior researchers of all categories to explore important publications and theories related to humanistic management. We equip scholars to conduct research that considers human dignity and wellbeing, principles which all too often disappear from management theories, models, and research designs. Our series will highlight humanistic research within each of the major sub-fields of management. This series is not limited to doctoral students for participation. Students are encouraged to participate in doctoral seminar-type sessions that critically examine relevant works associated with humanistic management principles and human flourishing.
Manuscript Development Workshops
We also invite humanistic management scholars to submit nearly complete working papers to our Network for a manuscript development workshop. Manuscripts to be presented to the attendees enable authors to check if others would be interested in the produced research and for presenters get an early taste of the interest levels in the research. The attendees get an early pre-view of the latest research in the field.
Please email any inquiries or suggestions regarding any of our series to David Wasieleski of the Albert P. Viragh Institute for Ethics in Business at Duquesne University: wasieleski@duq.edu.