Promote, Collaborate and Educate
Our Goal
To act as a hub for researchers, practitioners and policymakers interested in the promotion and practice of Humanistic Management and Leadership consistent with the mission and values of Humanistic Management globally.
Our Vision
We envision a society and an economy that works for all. Such a society promotes organizing practices that honors the inherent value of all life and protects human dignity. Management practices in such an economy promote human well-being and focuses on flourishing of all life.
Our Mission
Our Story
More than decade ago many of us felt the need to gather like-minded humanistically inspired scholars, practitioners, policy makers and civil society leaders that wanted to change the world through better management. We were witnessing the many crises and set off to gather global thought and action leaders to innovate our thinking and practice of management. The International Humanistic Management Association is the global structure to build on these insights and support the professionalization of humanistic management.
Meet the Managing Team
Learn About IHMA and What all We Offer
This PDF provides a quick overview of our organization and includes links to all our activities and resources for easy reference.
Our Strategic Plan
IHMA has been working on a strategic plan to guide the growth of the association. The Executive Summary of Overarching Goal and Strategic Priorities can be viewed here.
Manifesto for the Future
Affiliations and Associations
IHMA is a UN PRME Working Group on Humanistic Management.
2019 Annual report: IHMA_SIMA Data
2019 IHMA PRME report
IHMA is a member of the The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
To Learn More…
…. about the Humanistic Management approach and our global activities