Decolonizing Management Knowledge in India: Promoting Pluri-versalism through Indigenous Knowledge Paradigms

Wisdom & Flourishing Track

Research Laboratories

PhD Student Network Program Series
Teaching Teachers to Teach Values
This project includes video lessons from experienced educators on how they go about teaching values in the classroom and links to resources that are used by educators to help promote and teach ethics and values.
Dialoghi di Economia Civile
Dialoghi di Economia Civile ai tempi del Covid-19 è il ciclo di webinar organizzato dalla SEC Scuola di Economia Civile, in collaborazione con la nuova Scuola Cooperativa di Federcasse.
Dopo l’evento lancio “Tra vecchie e nuove regole per una nuova grammatica sociale” di sabato 18 aprile con Cristina Bicchieri, University of Pennsylvania e Luigino Bruni, Università LUMSA la serie intende trattare tutti i temi della responsabilità civile, dal lavoro alle istituzioni, dalla Read more [...]
Global University Center Consortium for Humanistic Management Founded
leaders of global university centers founded a consortium to advance and transform research, teaching, and outreach to foster a humanistic management approach to organizing.
Humanistic Management Workshop
The Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organizations (IECO) at University of Valencia (UV) and the Real Colegio Complutense (RCC) at Harvard University, in collaboration with the Humanistic Management Centers Consortium and the Abigail Adams Institute (AAI), organize this First Humanistic Management Workshop.
We conceive this event as the seed for a future IHMA Learning Lab (LELA). This would be the first step for establishing a community of learning, based on humanistic Read more [...]
Necessary Conversations
This Necessary Conversation is sponsored by the Donahue Center for Business Ethics & Social Responsibility in the Manning School of Business at UMass-Lowell.
Necessary Conversations,” a web-enabled forum (we use the Zoom platform) with a global audience. Our goal for this event is to feature progressive and trans-formative approaches and new paradigms for protecting dignity and promoting well-being —human through planetary — in our organizing practices.
This is a video conference series Read more [...]