Spreading Dignity During Covid-19

What’s dignity got to do with it? Why now is the time for humanistic management in tourism
Amongst all this angst what the future might hold for tourism and the many individuals affected, there is no doubt people will travel again to see their loved ones, and people will long for going on holiday after months of staying at home. When that time comes, we need to have a blueprint ready for a tourism industry that prioritises humanity over profits if we want (the industry) to survive indeed.
Challenging ourselves to change business-as-usual
The workshop brought top executives from several of Spain’s most progressive enterprises together with global management experts and researchers to ask the question: “What could happen if we elevated our strategic priorities to include the protection of dignity, the promotion of human flourishing, and the creation of optimal work conditions?”
Onboarding with Dignity with Kristin Sherry
On May 24th 2019 – the Humanistic Management Professionals group hosted Kristin Sherry, author of YouMap: Find Yourself. Blaze Your Path. Show the World! to talk about Onboarding with Dignity
Richard Branson on Dignity
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, reflects on the nature and necessity of dignity in today's war-torn world.
"Part of the challenge is that too many leaders still resist the mindset shifts required to nurture a culture of dignity across their organisations, from the boardroom to the factory floor and the classroom. Lifelong learning, openness to vulnerability and, perhaps most of all, empathy and compassion, are skill sets that are sadly still too often dismissed as weakness."
Read Read more [...]
Civilizing the Workplace
by Ben Teehankee
A positive work climate supports human flourishing, and managers have a role in building and protecting such a climate.
The lack of corrective feedback is a major reason why workplace nastiness thrives and even escalates to be part of the workplace culture. In contrast, some companies nip the problem at the bud by adopting rules against nastiness...
As reported by Fortune, a key part of the leadership philosophy of Paul Purcell, Baird’s President and CEO, is to enforce Read more [...]
Dignity- the missing link
Michael Pirson won the Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division’s Best Book Award at this year’s Academy of Management Conference. He is an associate professor at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University . Dr Johanne Grosvold, Deputy Director of the Centre for Business, Organisations and Society, chaired the SIM Division’s Best Book Award Committee, and as such was privy to all the books nominated for this year’s award. It was an extremely competitive field, yet the committee was unanimous in its assessment of which book should be the winner of the award in 2018. Michael Pirson’s book Humanistic Management offers a timely and novel reminder of the importance of human dignity.
Dignity is delicate
A discussion on what dignity is and how we think about it is important to humanistic management professionals as – our attempts to ensure that dignity is recognized in the workplace – for our employees, customers and the communities in which we work – rests upon this concept.
Leading With Dignity: A Conversation with Donna Hicks
Dr. Donna Hicks has 20 years of experience as a facilitator during international conflicts. One of the main things she learned during her time helping people who really don't like each other to find common ground, is to focus on dignity.Here is a TedX talk she did on the topic:
She is going to be doing a live Q&A conversation with the folks at the International Humanistic Management Association (which I am associated with).
The event is scheduled for April 27th - details and to RSVP Read more [...]