Dr. Carlos M. Moreno is professor at Ramon Llull University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational and Sports Sciences Blanquerna (Barcelona, Spain), teaching in the areas of Anthropology and Ethics Applied to Organizations. He is a member of the Psychology Department. He mainly works on ethics applied to organizations and corporations. He is ex-com of the Spanish Association of Ethics in Economy and Organisations (EBEN-Spain). He is a member of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), he is ex-editor of Noticias en Ética, Economía y Dirección (Newsletter of EBEN-Spain).
Carlos holds a PhD in Philosphy from the University of Barcelona (1998) and a Bachelor (1986) in Philosophy from the same university. A certificate in Greek Literature from UNED (1986), and a certificate in Theology from Theological Institute of Barcelona (1979). His research work focuses on human leadership, responsable leadership, ethical leadership and organizational values. He has paticipated in the Socrates/Eramus programmen (TS) at Örebro University (2006) and LLP/Erasmus Teachr at Universidade de Coimbra (2012)