Category: Activities

Projects and activities of the International Humanistic Management Association

IHMA Manifesto Planetary health is fundamental

Planetary health is fundamental for protecting the wellbeing of all. Planetary health from an IHMA perspective puts dignity and wellbeing in relation to our natural systems we are embedded in and considers sustainable and meaningful livelihoods in which people can thrive. This includes global perspectives but also relates to local communities and neighbourhoods. 

IHMA Manifesto – Profit is put in service to the common good

Businesses must balance profits WITH human welfare. One doesn’t come at the expense of the other, rather, they are intimately connected with each other as well as to global environmental health. Instead of judging “good” solely based on profits, “good” should be judged by how businesses impact society.

Teaching Teachers to Teach Values

This project includes video lessons from experienced educators on how they go about teaching values in the classroom and links to resources that are used by educators to help promote and teach ethics and values.

Dialoghi di Economia Civile

Dialoghi di Economia Civile ai tempi del Covid-19 è il ciclo di webinar organizzato dalla SEC Scuola di Economia Civile, in collaborazione con la nuova Scuola Cooperativa di Federcasse. Dopo l’evento lancio “Tra vecchie e nuove regole per una nuova grammatica sociale” di sabato 18 aprile con Cristina Bicchieri, University of Pennsylvania e Luigino Bruni, Università LUMSA la serie intende trattare tutti i temi della responsabilità civile, dal lavoro alle istituzioni, dalla Read more [...]

Humanistic Management and Evidence-Based Practice

On March 22nd 2019, Rob Briner, Professor of Organizational Psychology in the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London, joined the Humanistic Professionals for a lunch and learn on evidence based management. Key take-aways were: It is important to cross validate your sources of information Question why you want to do the things you do. What are you really trying to accomplish. Define your project and ideal outcome before you look for a solution You don't Read more [...]

Humanistic Management Workshop

  The Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organizations (IECO) at University of Valencia (UV) and the Real Colegio Complutense (RCC) at Harvard University, in collaboration with the Humanistic Management Centers Consortium and the Abigail Adams Institute (AAI), organize this First Humanistic Management Workshop. Purpose We conceive this event as the seed for a future IHMA Learning Lab (LELA). This would be the first step for establishing a community of learning, based on humanistic Read more [...]

Necessary Conversations

This Necessary Conversation is sponsored by the Donahue Center for Business Ethics & Social Responsibility in the Manning School of Business at UMass-Lowell. Necessary Conversations,” a web-enabled forum (we use the Zoom platform) with a global audience. Our goal for this event is to feature progressive and trans-formative approaches and new paradigms for protecting dignity and promoting well-being —human through planetary — in our organizing practices. This is a video conference series Read more [...]

Humanistic Management Professionals

This is a monthly video conference hosted for working professionals interested in applied humanistic management. The topics are designed to be practical for people looking to learn and apply humanistic management skills in the workplace.  The overarching question we are trying to answer is – how do we actually do humanistic management in real life?

Intellectual Shamans

The Intellectual Shaman series is hosted by IHMA as a Faculty Development format. It is co-sponsored by the Galligan Chair of Strategy at Boston College. This is hosted as a video conference. Our host: Sandra Waddock is Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at Boston College's Carroll School of Management. Winner of numerous awards, Sandra has published about 150 papers and multiple books, including Healing the World (Routledge/Greenleaf, Read more [...]