Please join MSR and SIM Division of Academy of Management in a discussion with Anita McGahan (72nd AOM president) and Oliver Williams (Founding Board Member, United Nations Global Compact) in a conversation on how research can help advance the goals of the Global Compact. Hosted by the International Humanistic Management Association.
Date: Monday, March 25
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00pm (EDT)
Location: Web conferencing, details will be sent before the event once your RSVP is received
Topic for this Conversation: How can research help advance the goals of the UN Global Compact.
About Anita: Anita McGahan is a Professor of Strategic Management and George E. Connell Chair in Organizations & Society at Rotman (with a cross-appointment to the Munk School of Global Affairs). Her research is focused on industry change, sustainable competitive advantage and the establishment of new fields. An area of particular interest to her is in global health and the diffusion of knowledge across international boundaries. She served as the 72nd president of the Academy of Management and is passionate about Social Innovation and making meaninful impact.
About Oliver: Oliver Williams, C.S.C. specializes in the areas of business ethics, corporate governance, and Catholic social teaching. Williams is the editor or author of 22 books as well as numerous articles on business ethics in journals. He is the Director of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. A former Naval Officer, Williams earned his doctorate from Vanderbilt University and his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Notre Dame. He is a Catholic priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross. He served as Associate Provost of the University of Notre Dame from 1987-94 and is a past chair of the Social Issues Division of the Academy of Management. He was elected as a Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University in South Africa in 2014. In 2006, he was appointed a member of the three-person Board of Directors at the United Nations Global Compact Foundation. The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative with over 9,000 businesses around the world as members.
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