Humanistic Management PhD Network April 1 2019

Welcome back to IHMA’s Humanistic Management PhD Network. This year we are looking forward to supporting PhDs with even more mentoring, social support and research opportunities. We also have possibilities to connect researchers for publication work, and data gathering sites in companies and organizations connected to IHMA. Please feel free to join our monthly calls.  The PhD Network webinar is held the first Monday of every month at 10:00 (Eastern time).

In our monthly gatherings the Humanistic Management Ph.D. network is featuring  the work of selected Ph.D. students in the field to :

1) highlight their research topic

2) ask specific questions regarding their work for feedback

3) share and discuss concerns of members of the group via Zoom

This session will feature a presentation by Jordana Moser, a Ph.D. student at the WP Carey School, at Arizona State University. She will present a study that involves communication, non-bureaucratic organizations, face-to-face contact, and identity development in a lesbian discussion group.

Following the talk and audience discussion, we will hold a group discussion on career and professional development for doctoral students.  This month’s focus will be on what career aspects your PhD program does not prepare you 

Hosted by: David Wasieleski, Erica Steckler and Michael Pirson.

All interested students and scholars are welcome!


The HM PhD Network is sponsored by the Institute for Ethics in Business at Duquesne University.

This monthly gathering is hosted by the International Humanistic Management Association in collaboration with the Academy of Management MSR Interest Group and Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division.