Greetings to everyone out in the world, whether you are able to read this in your institutions or at home or possibly are self-isolating. Now is a time when many communities can encourage one another and uphold the ideals of society and humanity by coming together in virtual groups, like our reading group. To that end, we will be meeting this Monday (23 March) at noon Eastern time. We will be discussing in detail Alan Fiske’s four relational models. Please do try to read the article ahead of time. That will make the discussion much more rewarding. If you have further time to prepare, you might check how this article is being cited in the management literature or in your own field. Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible online on Monday. #BetterTogether
Fiske, A. P. 1992. The four elementary forms of sociality: Framework for a unified theory of social relations. Psychological Review, 99(4): 689–723. (link)
Our Reading Group invites junior researchers of all categories to explore important publications and theories related to humanistic management. We equip scholars to conduct research that considers human dignity and wellbeing, principles which all too often disappear from management theories, models, and research designs. Our 2019/2020 series will highlight humanistic research within each of the major sub-fields of management. We welcome any and all suggestions ( and
This event is sponsored by the Albert P. Viragh Institute for Ethics in Business at Duquesne University.
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