Is Love All We Need? Call for Abstracts: Love and the Organization

Submitted by Michael Pirson:
Call for Submissions: June 15, 2019

“Is love all we need? If so, how can we organize for it?  This call for paper is calling for submissions to explore this side of the inquiry into love and organizing. What’s love got to do with it? Love may have nothing to do with the organization, especially in the administrative and market-based context. The call is also exploring this side of the inquiry.

To explore this tension expressed in popular songs we are inviting scholarly contributions to explore the notion of love and organizing. We are providing the space for interdisciplinary work that examines the various notions of love (romantic, platonic, agapic, etc.), the history of the meaning of love and the emanating perceptions and consequences for the study of management, organizing and organization.

This book is inviting contributions to examine the concept and idea of love in organizational contexts. Specifically, it is inviting contributions that examine how such conceptualizations of love can help us understand organizing practices.”

For more information and suggestions for possible topics, follow this link: