Q&A on Meaningful Management with Charles Chandler
In managing for meaningful outcomes, authority is not vested in a hierarchy, but rather is distributed to autonomous teams that are continually experimenting with what works in the environment now
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In managing for meaningful outcomes, authority is not vested in a hierarchy, but rather is distributed to autonomous teams that are continually experimenting with what works in the environment now
What is it that drives people to care for the well-being of others? What motivates them to invest in their communities and to be good stewards for future generations? How do we ensure that business leaders safeguard dignity and promote well-being?
IHMA 2019 Fellow Jürgen Nagler (Germany) participated in the Super Happiness 9th Social Business Day hosted by Peace Nobel Laureate Prof. Yunus and his Yunus Centre.
His section starts at 41 minutes into the video. Talking about Happiness made in Germany
In this new book, Frederick Chavalit Tsao and Chris Laszlo argue that current approaches to leadership fail to produce positive outcomes for either business or society. Employee disengagement and customer fickleness remain high, resulting in a lack of creativity and collaboration at all levels of entrepreneurial activity, while investor demands for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are still poorly integrated into the executive mindset. Only through greater awareness of our connectedness―to purpose, community, and nature―can we develop profit strategies for human flourishing.
You can’t understand humanistic business management unless you understand what humanism is. This book provides a short introduction to the philosophy of humanism and discusses how and why it is being applied to business and why it is so effective when you do so. Humanism helps us prioritize human value as important. It supports positive interpersonal relationships and collaborative and respectful decision-making. Since all businesses are in the business of solving problems, good problem solving is essential to good business.
he article goes on to discuss how non-profits can use different theories – to help shift our understanding of organizations to help encourage collective governance.
An important question for business leaders is whether they are paying their employees enough to have decent lives. Certainly, if they think that the government poverty threshold is too low, isn’t it their duty to pay much more than the minimum wage? After all, labor productivity has been increasing in the past years while real wages have been stagnant. Shouldn’t workers get a higher share of this productivity increase?