Dr Elena P. Antonacopoulou PhD served as tenured faculty at Universities in the UK (Warwick, Manchester, Liverpool) and Canada (Western) where she contributed through her teaching in the design and delivery of prominent programs at postgraduate (MSc and MBA) and post-experience levels (e.g. DBA). Her principal research expertise lies in The Future of Work, Organisational Learning and Strategic Resilience and Renewal, with a focus on the Leadership implications. She is published widely in international journals and edited books (over 100 publications) and policy reports. Her practice-relevant scholarship has earned her many research grands, awards and accolades recognising the impact of the ideas developed. She has been elected and served in multiple leadership roles in the top professional bodies in the management field (AOM, EURAM, EGOS, BAM) and has received several awards for her outstanding leadership and service contributions and teaching excellence. She has successfully secured funding and led interdisciplinary, international multi-stakeholder research teams on high profile research programs funded by Research Funding Councils in the UK, EU and was invited to co-author policy and evaluation reports by professional bodies and Think Tanks designed to improve professional practices. She is frequently invited to deliver keynote speeches in international conferences, and workshops that inspire and promote action choices that serve the common good. She is a certified coach from the International Coaching Federation (and practises as an axiologist – enabling true-self breakthroughs) and she has founded the GNOSIS Institute to promote knowledge philanthropy and to avert ‘humane poverty’ by designing innovative leadership and organisational development programs including the new “Man-Agement Manifesto’ initiative. https://www.linkedin.com/in/elena-p-antonacopoulou-a179013/ ORCIT: 0000-0002-0872-7883