Fordham Social Innovation Day 2020

Fordham Social Innovation Day

Advancing Social Innovation- Research/Practice/Pedagogy and Policy

A Virtual Gathering

Hosted by the Gabelli School of Business together with the International Humanistic Management Association


9:30- 10:00 Introductions and Overview

Michael Pirson

10:00 – 11:00 Advancing Social Innovation Research

seed conversation hosted by Sertan Kabadayi, Area Chair Marketing 

with Christopher Marquis, Cornell University, Anita McGahan, Rotman School of Management, and Michael Barnett, Rutgers University


11:05- 12:05 Advancing Social Innovation Practice

seed conversation hosted by Patrick Struebi, CEO Fairtrasa/Blooom

with Cara Smyth and Frank Zambrelli, Fair Fashion Consortium, Mike Brady, Former CEO of Greyston 

——————————Break (virtual Lunch with opportunities to connect in breakout rooms)——————————-

1:00 – 2:00 Advancing Social Innovation Pedagogy

Seed conversation hosted by Lerzan Aksoy, Gabelli School of Business

with Liz Maw, President and Dariush Rafinejad, Provost of Presidio Graduate School and Stuart , University of Bristol, Stuart Hart, Rotman School of Management

2:00 – 3:00 Advancing Social Innovation Policy/Outreach

Seed conversation hosted by Katherine Milligan, Bamboo Capital

with Florencia Librizzi, UN SDSN, and Jerry White, University of Virginia and Peace Nobel Laureate
