First Humanistic Management Workshop IECO-RCC at Harvard

The Institute for Ethics in Communication and Organizations (IECO) at University of Valencia (UV) and the Real Colegio Complutense (RCC) at Harvard University, in collaboration with the Humanistic Management Centers Consortium and the Abigail Adams Institute (AAI), organize this First Humanistic Management Workshop.

We conceive this event as the seed for a future IHMA Learning Lab (LELA). This would be the first step for establishing a community of learning, based on humanistic management principles that will contribute to the co-creation and search for pragmatic solutions based on a Humanistic Management view.

This First edition will focus on the promotion of: (1) human dignity in and around organizations, (2) integral human flourishing and (3) a conception of human work that contributes to the common good.

The workshop will include practical sessions by Harvard Professors and Humanistic Management representatives. There will be also, Harvard Tours, MIT Lab Tour, Campus Experience and more.

Attendant’s profile
The attendants will be 24 executives belonging to companies from all over the world, including different sectors and sizes, committed with the International Humanistic Management Association project. Participants willing to learn from each other, and to became potential partners of the HM Learning Lab (LELA).

Program fee
The price of the workshop will be 5.000€. It covers: Program Fee, Exclusive Participation, Meals and Dinners.
Travel expenses and hotel are not included.

Details and registration:

FAQ – You cannot register for this event through EventBrite – you must visit the workshop website and contact the organizer directly to register