IHMA Newsletter – Friendly Reminder: Register for Humanistic Management AOM Preconference, August 9

Friendly Reminder: Register for Humanistic Management AOM Preconference, August 9http://eepurl.com/dvPHu5


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Join IHMA and prominent thought leaders…

such as Sandra Waddock, Bill Glick, Anne Tsui, David Korten and Tom Donaldson
at our 4th Humanistic Management Preconference at AOM.
When: August 9, 9am- 5pm.
Where: 16 E. Pearson Street | Quinlan School of Business | Loyola University | Chicago, IL 60611
What:  to co-create research and innovative teaching approaches that protect dignity and promote well-being.
(see program below).
For more information click here:
Register Here:

Preliminary Program
8:30- 9:00 Introductions and Overview

Part I Concepts and Research
9:15 – 10:30 From Amoral to Responsible Research in Management and Business?
Seed conversation hosted by Sandra Waddock, Boston College
with Anne Tsui, Notre Dame/ASU, Bill Glick, Rice University
Rapid Prototyping: Participants will work in groups and define 3 abstracts per group of responsible research proposals (HMJ) .

10:45- 12:00 Alternatives to the Theory of the Firm
Seed conversation hosted by Michael Pirson, Fordham University
with David Korten, Great Turning, Thomas Donaldson, UPenn
Rapid Prototyping: Participants will work in group and define 1-page outline of chapter or paper for potential submission to book and special issue ( for HM book series and HMJ)

Part II: Innovations for Teaching and Outreach
1:00 – 2:15 Humanistic teaching and learning approaches for business and management
Seed conversation hosted by Erica Steckler, UMass Lowell
with Jennifer Leigh, Nazareth College,  Jyoti Bachani, St. Mary’s College
Rapid Prototyping: Participants will work in groups and work on either a prototype for a class, a course, or a program. 
2:30 – 3:45 Outreach and collaboration models 
Seed conversation hosted by David Wasieleski, Duquesne University
with Ernestina Giudici, Universita di Cagliari, Italy  Ricardo Aguado, Deusto University Spain,
Benito Teehankee, De La Salle University Manila, Philippines
Rapid Prototyping: Participants will work in groups to co create new ideas or and projects to work on.

4:00- 5:00 Freestyle gathering and merriment with AOM colleagues


Supported and Sponsored by
Center for Business Ethics, Duquesne University
Center for Humanistic Management, Fordham University
Loyola University Chicago

Hosted by International Humanistic Management Association – Become a member

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