Sustainability Centres Community Workshop

Submitted by Tima Bansal

Join leaders of business school sustainability research centres June 24-26, 2020, in Vienna, Austria. Details here.


Full note


Dear Colleagues:


Registration is now open for the 2020 Sustainability Centres Community workshop in Vienna, Austria, June 24-26, 2020.  If you lead a research centre, I encourage you to attend.


Every two years, the Network for Business Sustainability brings together members of its Sustainability Centres Community (SCC) to discuss the challenges and opportunities in directing a sustainability centre within a business schools.


You can register for the workshop here: The cost is €280 EUR (€350 after May 1), which includes most meals but not accommodations. Payment is possible via credit or debit card or bank transfer.


The 2020 workshop has two objectives: to (1) increase impact and (2) build collective wisdom. All activities will emphasize peer learning and transformative change. The program includes:

  • one day of multi-sectoral engagement, focused on the question: “Radical change vs. more of the same? What is needed for a transformative sustainable change?”
  • two days focused on improving sustainability centre research, teaching, outreach, and strategy.

Capacity is limited to 80 participants, so we ask that no more than two individuals register from each centre. Limited bursaries may be available for individuals from emerging economies.


Note that the workshop is being held deliberately the week before EGOS (Hamburg, July 2-4), to help you consolidate travel.


If your centre is not a member of the SCC, please joining this 150-member community. It’s free, and we can do much more by learning from each other and building community than by working separately.


The workshop is co-hosted by Vienna University of Economics and Business and FHWien University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication.


You can find out about 2016 and 2018 SCC Workshops by clicking the relevant links. More information is available below my signature.


I want to wish you all success in pushing forward with your research and personal impact in 2020, and we hope to see you in June.


Tima Bansal