PDF of 2019 IHMA UN PRME report
The activities were very successful. We have growing online participation ranging from the smaller study groups like the PhD Reading Group (10-15 participants) and Network (25-30 participants), to the Lunch and Learn format for practitioners (40 participants), to the open online formats such as the Intellectual Shamans (90 participants) and Necessary Conversations (125 participants).
The live participation at our events is also increasing. AoM preconference has seen over 50 participants and the research lab has 150 members engaged. We have a new fellowship program with 5 active fellows throughout 2020, new articles on our HM journal, and a book series on voluntourism coming out.
Outlook for 2020 (planned projects, events, activities, 3-5 bullet points):
Input to the 2019 PRME Annual Report and Outlook for 2020
● Center Consortium
● Accelerator
● Fellowships