I am pursuing PhD in tourism and management studies at the Business School, Department of Work and Employment, University of Strathclyde.
My research focus on development strategies for fishing communities in developing countries whose are disappearing due to natural resource decline and looking to diversify local economy.
My research explores the potential and viability of tourism as a diversification strategy in the fishing and marginalised communities. Integrating empowerment and community development theories, my research explores young people’s representation of, and aspiration towards tourism as a diversification strategy in coastal communities in Ghana.
I believe that every community, regardless of its challenges, have assets and capabilities that can be developed to provide a sustainable livelihood outcome and well-being. I also believe that youth are future leaders and therefore need more attention from both researchers and policymakers.
I am interested in the well-being of tourism communities, rural revitalization and tourists’ behaviors. I am currently a consultant researcher for one ocean project (www.strath.ac.uk/research/strathclydecentreenvironmentallawgovernance/oneoceanhub) which is a transdisciplinary study of natural and human ecology of the ocean, focusing on improving the lives of communities in the global south. I am interested in exploring ways fishing and coastal communities can have sustainable livelihoods, particularly focusing on the role of tourism. My research focuses on wellbeing, community development, tourism, youth studies and sustainable livelihoods.
I would be interested to meet and hear from like-minded people who are interested in collaborating to create humanistic management solutions, especially on how this can be brought into tourism research and practice.