IHMA Intellectual Shamans Series with Sandra Waddock & Bobby Banerjee

Please join Bobby Banerjee with Sandra Waddock for an inspirational Intellectual Shamans Webinar on October 7, 2022, at noon Eastern

Scholars often wonder how to do impactful scholarship. Bobby Banerjee is an example of someone who has consistently tackled difficult topics that really make a difference over many years of work—and he will share some of that approach with us during this webinar. Bobby will provide a broad overview of how over the years he has approached a range of important and impactful topics—from sustainability to corporate social responsibility (CSR) to decolonization. His innovative conceptual and empirical work includes insights into environmental racism and injustice; decolonizing management and organization studies; persistent inequalities in organizations; and a land-based relational ontology of the corporation, as well as Indigenous resistance movements in Chile and India; caste discrimination in Indian public sector organizations; conservation finance and Indigenous communities in Canada; and histories of slavery in the US farm sector. With his usual flair for stating truths boldly, Bobby will briefly discuss his current work which involves investigating sustainable livelihoods for rural communities impacted by climate change in Guinea-Bissau, India, Morocco, and Tunisia. Bobby speaks truth to power—and to scholarship. Please join us. You won’t be disappointed!

Join us!

What: Intellectual Shamans Webinar with Bobby Banerjee

When: October 7, 2022, noon Eastern US

Bobby’s Bio:

Bobby Banerjee is Professor of Management and Associate Dean of Research & Enterprise at Bayes Business School, City, University of London. He researches and teaches on corporate social irresponsibility, unsustainability, climate justice, and decolonial resistance movements. He has published widely in international scholarly journals and his work has appeared in Academy of Management Learning & Education, Business & Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Marketing, Management Learning, Organization and Organization Studies. He is the author of two books: Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and the co-edited volume Organizations, Markets and Imperial Formations: Towards an Anthropology of Globalization. Bobby was a Senior Editor at Organization Studies from 2007 to 2019 and is currently Associate Editor at Business & Society. Prior to becoming an academic Bobby was a real person and worked for US and European multinational corporations in the chemicals industry where as a sales manager he was responsible for overseeing the selling and import of chemicals that were banned in the US and Europe to developing countries. In the little spare time he has these days Bobby dreams of destroying global neoliberal capitalism.

Sandra’s Bio:

Sandra Waddock is Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management. Winner of numerous awards, Sandra has published about 170 papers and 15 books, including Healing the World (Routledge/Greenleaf, 2017) and Intellectual Shamans (Cambridge, 2014), and most recently Transforming towards Life-Centered Economics (2020). Current research interests include large system change, corporate responsibility, intellectual shamanism, and management education.

