March 2022 Humanistic Management PhD Network Seminar

March 2022 Humanistic Management PhD Seminar

Monday, March 7, 2022 from 12pm – 1pm Eastern.

Welcome to IHMA’s Humanistic Management PhD Network Student Webinar Series. We support PhD candidates with mentoring, networking, and research opportunities. We also have possibilities to connect researchers for publication work, and data gathering sites in companies and organizations connected to IHMA.

In our monthly gatherings the Humanistic Management Ph.D. Network is featuring the work of selected Ph.D. students in the field to :

1) highlight their research topic

2) ask specific questions regarding their work for feedback

3) share and discuss concerns of members of the group via Zoom

Please join us for our next monthly session on March 7, 2022 as , Ivy Sackey, a member of West African Postgraduate College of Nursing and Midwives(WAPCNM) Ghana Chapter and, a member of the Institute of Directors, Ghana, will present her work entitled, “PRECEPTORSHIP PRACTICE IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS IN GHANA: A SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS”.


It is a universally accepted fact, within the nursing and midwifery profession, that preceptorship is very vital if trainee nurses and midwives should adopt the profession and adapt to its tenets. However, while literature abounds and points to the fact that preceptorship plays a very vital role in healthcare delivery elsewhere in the world, in the case of Ghana, not much can be seen in this regard, while at the same time, in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, there is the need for a standardized and coordinated approach to raising preceptors in Ghana. In the light of these, this study explored the complex dynamics of the preceptorship program in selected nursing, midwifery and healthcare institutions in Ghana using situational analysis. Three prong procedural tools – situational maps, social worlds/arenas maps, and positional maps – were applied. In the end, key among the findings made are motivational (monetary) challenges, lack of training of preceptors, politicking related to the development of preceptorship manuals, supervision, and outdated procedure guidelines for on-the-job teaching students. To address these findings, a couple of recommendations were offered in order to improve preceptorship practice at micro, meso, and macro levels in Ghana.

Hosted by: David Wasieleski, PJ Dillon, Erica Steckler, and Michael Pirson.

All interested students and scholars are welcome!

Zoom link for the sessioin:


The HM PhD Network is sponsored by the Albert P. Viragh Institute for Ethics in Business at Duquesne University.

This monthly gathering is hosted by the International Humanistic Management Association in collaboration with the Academy of Management MSR Interest Group and Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division.