Please join the Management, Spirituality and Religion Interest Group Research Conversation.
The MSR Research Conversation format supports the vibrancy of MSR’s global research. It is aimed to showcase relevant work and intended to spark rich and generative conversations related to important, impactful, relevant and rigorous research. Please join us and let us know if you wish to present at another session (email to: )
When: Friday Oct 19th – 12:00 pm – 1:00pm (EDT)
Where: Web conferencing(Zoom), details will be sent before the event after your RSVP is received
Who: Tom Culham; MSR Research officer on: Engaging the Unconscious for Personal Ethical Transformation.
Charles Tackney: MSR Chair Elect on: Root canals and the Catholic Church (tbc)
Format: Both presentation will be followed by Q&A.
This Conversation format is supported by the International Humanistic Management Association in partnership with AOM MSR Interest Group.