MSR Teaching Conversation – Learning and human excellence

Please join the Management, Spirituality and Religion Interest Group  TEACHING Conversation.

The MSR Teaching Conversation format supports the vibrancy of MSR’s global teaching. It is aimed to showcase novel and thoughtful apprpaches that connect insights from ancient wisdom traditions to our current day pedagogy.It is centered on the question how we as educators can help/ facilitate and achieve human excellence in ourselves and others. The conversation and intended to spark rich and generative conversations related to important, impactful, relevant and rigorous research. Please join us and let us know if you wish to present at another session (email to: ) 

When: Thursday Oct 25th – 12:00 pm – 1:00pm (EDT)

Where: Web conferencing(Zoom), details will be sent before the event after your RSVP is received

Who: Conversation lead by Michael Pirson Chair MSR IG with support of Lee Robbins (Founder MSR), Chris Laszlo (MSR PDW Chair), Richard Major (tbc), Anil Maheshwari, Nicholas Burton..AND YOU


Format: A generative conversation on how we can achieve learning towards human excellence

This Conversation format is supported by the International Humanistic Management Association in partnership with AOM MSR Interest Group.