Part of the PRME Responsible Management Week
Overview: In a time of polycrisis the economic system, businesses, and business education are under pressure to adapt. Leadership requires a different paradigmatic framework as the world is struggling to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This conference brings together leaders in various fields such as social innovation, evolutionary science, and humanistic leadership that work to transform the current economic system to become life-conducive. The convenors host research workshops to develop and cocreate papers that advance new-paradigm thinking about foundations for economics, business and business education. The conference also brings together leading academics, companies, and practitioners, to connect and explore partnerships. Finally, the conference hosts two days of professional capacity building with regard to pedagogy and community development.
Dates: June 3 to June 7, 2024
· Research days: June 3- June 4
· Partnership day: June 5
· Professional Development: June 6 – June 7
Location: Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business, New York City
Audience: Business School Professors, Humanistically oriented Academics and Practitioners working to transform the economic system
Partners: PRME, Ashoka U, Humanistic Leadership Academy (HLA), International Humanistic Management Association (IHMA), Harvard Human Flourishing Program, Conscious Business Europe, International Association for Business and Society, Academy of Management (SIM/MSR Divisions)

Preliminary Program
Monday, June 3 Location: Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023 – 12th Floor Lounge
Monday, June 3
9- 10 Welcome and Overview of Workshop
- Welcome: Michael Pirson
- N.K. Chidambaran, Associate Dean for Research at Fordham University
- Framing of Workshop: Michael Pirson/ Ayse Yemiscigil
Transforming Business and Education towards Flourishing
- Kick off Input Presentations
- Sandra Waddock: Catalyzing transformation and new social imaginaries
- Chris Laszlo: Making transformative impact for real innovation
10-11 Thematic Table Pitches
2 min research abstract pitch
11- 11:15 Break
11:15-12:30 Paper Development Workshops (Outcome 3 possible thought leadership paper ideas)
1- 2pm Lunch: David Sloan Wilson- Keynote
Rethinking the Foundations of Business and Business Education- The evolutionary perspective

2 to 2:15 Reflection
2:30 to 4: Paper Development Workshops
Potential Topics:
- New Paradigm for Business Leadership- an evolutionary perspective
- Love and Organizing
- Artificial Intelligence and Flourishing
- Wisdom, Transformation and Flourishing
- Social Innovation
- Mindfulness and Leadership
- Dignity and Organization
- Arts and Sustainability
- Impact Measurement
- Smart and Regenerative Cities
- Getting UnStuck (AMP Special Issue)
Outcome: Draft ideas and research questions for HMJ Special Issue
- New Paradigm for Business Leadership- an evolutionary perspective
- Love and Organizing
- Artificial Intelligence and Flourishing
- Wisdom, Transformation and Flourishing
- Social Innovation
- Mindfulness and Leadership
- Dignity and Organization
- Arts and Sustainability
- Impact Measurement
Outcome: Draft outline for article for HMJ Special Issue
415: 4:45 Donna Hicks/ Michael Pirson/ TBD- Panel
4:45- 545: Paper Sprints
5:45- 6pm: Next Steps: Michael Pirson/ Ayse Yemiscigil
6- 7:30 Reception
Tuesday: Rethinking the Curriculum Location: Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023 – 12th Floor Lounge
With AshokaU/ UN PRME/ Humanistic Leadership Academy/ Evolution Institute /IAJBS Inspirational Paradigm
9:00 – 9: 30 Reflecting on the prior day/ Setting the Stage for the day
Heather MacCleoud/ Brian Wellinghoff
Rethinking the Paradigmatic Foundations of Business Education
- David Sloan Wilson
- Michael Pirson
9:30 – 10:15 Transforming Business and Education for Flourishing
- Heather MacCleoud, Ashoka U
- Gisela Veritier, ICDA Argentina, Head of Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education
- Monica Lopez-Sieben, President of CLADEA
- Konstantin Mudrack, Conscious Business Education

10:30 – 11:30 The Foundational Role of Dignity: Dr. Donna Hicks, Harvard University

11:45 12:15 Learning about Ongoing Curriculum Transformation Efforts
- Inspirational Paradigm: Cristina Gimenez Thomsen
- Human Energy: Sheila Hassell Hughes
- Humanistic Leadership Academy: David Capistran
12:15 to 1pm Workshops on Redesigning Curriculum
1-2 Lunch
2 – 3 pm: Harnessing creative pedagogy and praxis for a sustainable future
The biggest issues of our time continue to multiply each year. Rising inequalities, economic crises, and environmental disasters have become commonplace. Traditional business and management education prioritized a cognitive approach to learning, but failed to provide graduates with the holistic skill set needed to tackle these sustainable development challenges. The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) recognizes the restrictions of traditional pedagogy in business and management education and seeks to employ a new framework rooted in The LEGO Foundation Learning Through Play research. The Impactful Five (i5) framework applies meaningful, joyful, iterative, socially interactive, and actively engaging methods to the classroom to transform education. This panel will offer an overview of the need for a creative pedagogical approach, describe how innovative pedagogy can disrupt business as usual, and highlight examples of the i5 framework in practice from educators employing this approach in their classroom. Furthermore, it will outline strategies for integrating impactful pedagogy across higher education institutions, thereby fostering a culture of education that prioritizes a meaningful and creative learning environment for a sustainable future.
- Cheyenne Maddox, Senior Manager, PRME
- PRME Senior Advisor
- Andrew Karolyi, Dean of the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, PRME Vice-Chair
- Lerzan Aksoy, Dean Gabelli School of Business
- Christy Ashley, University of Rhode Island Professor of Marketing

3:20- 4 pm Humanizing the Curriculum towards Sustainable Flourishing
- Textbooks: Julita Haber/ Frank Werner/ Anthony Annett
- Sustainability Initiatives: James Stoner/Robert Sroufe/Isabelle Rimanoczy

4 to 5 pm Workshops on Redesigning Curriculum
Workshops: Human Energy:
Workshops on I5
5 to 5:30 pm: Wrap up
6pm Reception
Wednesday: Exploring and Enabling Effective Partnerships with Stakeholders Location: Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023 – 12th Floor Lounge
8-10 am Breakfast hosted by Responsible Business Center
With UN PRME/ AshokaU/ Barry-Wehmiller/ Humanistic Leadership Academy/ Conscious Business Europe/ Conscious Capitalism/ B-Lab/ NOW Partners/ Harvard Human Flourishing Program
8:00-8:45 AM Breakfast Sponsored by the Fordham/Gabelli Responsible Business Center
8:30 – 8:45 AM Welcome Dean Lerzan Aksoy, GSB Fordham
8:45-9 AM Welcome Address Leigh Anne Statuto, Executive Director, Fordham/Gabelli Responsible Business Center

9:00-10:00 AM Duty of Care Andrew Kassoy, Co-Founder, Co-Chair, B-Lab
Moderated by Peter Lupoff, Gabelli Fellow, Gabelli School of Business, Director of Strategy, Fordham/Gabelli Responsible Business Center

10- 10:15 Break
10:15- 10:45 Partnership with Research
Matthew Lee, Harvard Human Flourishing Program
Ayse Yemiscigil, Fordham University

10:45- 11:30 Partnering with System Actors
Cristina Gimenez-Thompson, ESADE, Taskforce Co-Chair of Inspirational Paradigm
Gustavo Loiola, UN PRME
Heather MacCleoud – Chief Network Officer, Ashoka U

11:30 to 12:15 Partnership with Media
Stephanie Sharis, CEO Good News Network
Joseph Kenner, CEO Greyston Bakery
Alison Bartlett, Actress/ Director/ Producer
Jesse Scolaro – Head of Content, Lightbeam Productions

12:15- 1 pm Connection Lunch
1 – 2:15 pm Spice up your Teaching with Colin Quinn

2:30 to 3:30: Partnering for Flourishing Workshop
Dan LeClair, CEO Global Business School Network
Monica Lopez-Sieben – President of CLADEA

3:30 to 4:30 pm Partnering With Practice:
- Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry-Wehmiller
- Raj Sisodia, Founder of Conscious Capitalism, Distinguished Professor Tec de Monterrey Mexico

4:45- 5:45 Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities for Partnership

6pm – Reception
Thursday/ Friday: Capacity building For Leading Effective Change and Humanistic Leadership
AshokaU/ Humanistic Leadership Academy
Thursday: June 6 Location: Fordham University, 113 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023 – 12th Floor Lounge
8:30 – 9 AM
- AshokaU Changeleader Convening
- Humanistic Leadership Cohorts Convening
- Jesuit Business School Cohort Convening
9- 9:30 AM Collective Reflection
- Where are we?
- What are the successes
- What is missing?
9:30- 10:30 AM Workshop I: Enhancing Our Individual Changemaking Capacity
Building Individual Resilience- Jerry White

10:30- 10:45 AM Break
10:45- 12:15 AM Workshop II: Enhancing our Collective Changemaking Capacity
Parallel Workshops
- AshokaU Changeleader Workshop
- Humanistic Leadership Cohorts Workshop
- Jesuit Business School Cohort Workshop- Inspirational Paradigm in Action
12:15- 1:30 Lunch and moving to Jazz at Lincoln Center Workshop
Workshop III :
Experiencing Whole Person Learning for Team Building with Jazz at Lincoln Center | Location: 55th street: Carroll Studios at 625 W 55th St #6, New York, NY 10019
Friday: June 7 Location: Fordham University, 140 West 62nd Street New York, NY 10023 – G76/G77
8:30 – 9 AM Convening and Reflection
9- 10 Workshop I: Enhancing Our Individual Changemaking Capacity
10- 11 Workshop II: Enhancing our Collective Changemaking Capacity
Parallel Workshops
- AshokaU Changeleader Workshop
- Humanistic Leadership Cohorts Workshop
- Jesuit Business School Cohort Workshop- Inspirational Paradigm in Action
- HLA Blackbelt Program – Mastery as a Way of Being
11- 11:45 AM Using organizations to advance change: Chris Marquis, Cambridge University

12:30 – 1:30 Otto Scharmer: Transforming Systems towards Flourishing

1:30 to 2:30 Closing Reflections
Recommended Hotels:
Empire Hotel – 44West 63rd St – 212-265-7400
Park Central Hotel – 870 7th Ave – 212-247-8000
Fairfield by Marriott Hotels – 330 West 40th St – 212-967-9494
M Social Hotel – 226 West 52nd St – 212-315-0100
Partners: PRME, Ashoka U, Humanistic Leadership Academy (HLA), International Humanistic Management Association (IHMA), Harvard Human Flourishing Program, Conscious Business Europe, International Association for Business and Society, Academy of Management (SIM/MSR Divisions)

Call for Extended Abstracts
In a time of polycrisis the economic system, businesses, and education are under pressure to adapt. Leadership requires a different paradigmatic framework as the world is struggling to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This conference brings together leaders in various fields such as social innovation, evolutionary science, and humanistic leadership that work to transform the current economic system to become life-conducive. We also invite those working on transforming education and specifically business education to equip changemakers to effectively transform organizations and systems at large.
We call for extended abstracts of research that can provide guidance and insights in terms of how leaders and managers can more effectively address the polycrisis. We invite contributions from the fields of social innovation, regenerative leadership, humanistic management and beyond. In the below we list possible areas of contribution categorized as problematique, paradigmatic perspectives, Input pillars, transformation mechanisms, and outcomes (non-exhaustive). We are inviting specific contributions to areas such as:
- Getting UnStuck (AMP Special Issue)
- New Paradigm for Business Leadership- an evolutionary perspective
- Teilhard de Chardin, Noosphere and Business
- Dignity and Organization
- Love and Organizing
- Artificial Intelligence and Flourishing
- Wisdom, Transformation and Flourishing
- Social Innovation
- Mindfulness and Leadership
- Arts and Sustainability
- Impact Measurement
- Smart and Regenerative Cities
- Getting UnStuck
We invite academics and practitioners to think about how we can get unstuck. In times of polycrisis, with the many commitments by governments, businesses, and many people of good will all across the globe it seems something is missing; a lack of coordination, a system reboot, a global governance system, effective government, leadership for the public good, you name it. In this track we are looking to see what thinking exists that is informed by the best of theory and practice to get humanity unstuck.
Grand Paradigmatic Perspectives
- New Paradigm for Business Leadership- an evolutionary perspective
To address the bigger issues at hand we arguably need to rethink the foundations of our theories. Those paradigmatic assumptions inform who we are as human beings, the nature of organizations and the purpose of organizing and leading. We particularly invite contributions from the natural sciences and evolutionary perspectives.
- Teilhard de Chardin, the Noosphere and Business
One of the broader foundational challenges and paradigmatic innovations is provided by Jesuit Theologian and evolutionary scientist Teilhard de Chardin. We invite all interested in the concepts of the noosphere and its applications to business and leadership to consider submission.
Input Pillars of New Paradigm
- Dignity and Organization
Dignity is critical to any functioning system and its neglect a primary flaw in the dominant paradigm. We invite further conceptual and applied research regarding dignity specifically in organizations and the organizing process. Potential research could examine dignity and its assessment within organizations, leading with dignity, honoring the intrinsic value of nature, honoring people like human beings as well as creating and maintaining dignity cultures in organizations.
- Love and Organizing
While many pop songs reference the power of love, these insights are rarely examined within the context of business, leadership, and organizations. We invite contributions that explore love conceptually and as a source of transformation in the contexts of business, leadership and organizations.
Transformational Mechanisms and Interventions
- Social Innovation
The field of social innovation and social entrepreneurship has provided insights into alternative ways of organizing. As the field is emerging, we invite further contributions from this perspective and appreciate insights into the paradigmatic challenges and potentially scalable contributions to human flourishing. We also invite pedagogical insights into how social innovation can be taught within organizations.
- Regeneration and Regenerative Value Creation
The term regeneration has gained new currency in the field of sustainability research arguing that more than sustainability is required. The field of regenerative agriculture and forestry are paving the way towards regenerative value creation as a potential avenue to rethink company action. We invite contributions that more deeply examine these conceptual avenues and provide practical insights for transformation.
- Wisdom, Transformation and Flourishing
Wisdom is for philosophers and sometimes you might end up lucky when ruled by a philosopher CEO. At the same time, wisdom and discernment are seemingly becoming more critical than ever for successful leaders. To navigate transformation towards flourishing in the polycrisis, what kinds of wisdom are needed and how can we educate for it. Submissions exploring practical wisdom at work are welcome.
- Mindfulness, Well Being and Leadership
Mindfulness has long been hailed as a powerful intervention to transform individuals and organizations. At the same time, it has been criticized because corporations have captured it to pacify employees. We invite contributions that examine the transformational power of mindfulness for well-being, flourishing and leadership in the context of system transformation.
- Artificial Intelligence and Flourishing
Artificial Intelligence may be the most potent and transformative technology yet and it can be harnessed for good and bad; much like any technology. So, what are ways humanity can systematically harness benefit and advance human flourishing on this shared planet? Research exploring the challenges and contributions of AI to human flourishing are invited.
- Arts and Sustainability
While Mintzberg and others call management an art, the arts themselves play a minor role in the context of business organizations. In this call we invite those researching how the arts can be successfully employed to transform people and organizations towards sustainability.
- Sustainable Development Goals and Business Leadership
As the world is failing to be on track to meet the sustainable development goals, how can businesses and education shift to empower the necessary transformation. We invite holistic and practical perspectives that can inform leadership at the level of business, education, societal organizations, and public policy.
- Impact Measurement
To assess the impacts of transformative practices, new assessments and impact measures are needed. There are ongoing efforts globally that aim to capture ecological, social, and governance related impacts. Yet, further research is needed to assess the potential for paradigmatically appropriate impact measures that transcend the techno-economistic paradigm.
- Smart and Regenerative Cities
Beyond organizations and businesses we are looking to see what we can say about creating smart and regenerative cities that support human flourishing.
These extended abstracts are a baseline for invitation to present at the conference as well as for consideration to several special issues, including for Academy of Management Perspectives and Humanistic Management Journal. To have your contribution considered for invitation submit 1000 to 1500 Word Extended abstract to Call for Extended Abstracts Transforming Business and Education For Flourishing – Rethinking Foundations and Practice – Due by April 15th ( or by April 15, 2024.